

编辑 :系统管理员    时间 :2015-04-16    访问次数 :93


国际地球联盟主席Johan Rockstrom教授(斯德哥尔摩全球变化中心主任)说:“在我们稳定且具备弹性的星球上,为了应对未来的发展,我们迫切需要深化我们的思维方式。我们这门新兴科学就是因此而启动。它将深化我们对全球范围内风险和机遇的理解,并预知潜在的可行性变革路径”。

Establishing the International Earth-Doc team

An international group of inter-disciplinary postdoc researchers advancing the next generation of integrated Earth System science towards global sustainability: through World-Earth Systems modeling

An Earth League Initiative

The Earth League is setting out to advance the next generation of integrated Earth System analysis. This is in response to the current urgent need to deepen our understanding of potential pathways and transformations within this increasingly turbulent Anthropocene towards future world development on a resilient and stable planet.

Therefore, we are embarking on a joint state-of-the-art World-Earth Systems modeling and analysis program, igniting the deeper fusion of biophysical systems and human dynamics. For this, Earth League invites applicants for 7 postdoc research positions, to be known as Earth-Docs. For further information on the rationale behind this program, please see here.

We appeal for excellent young scientists from different backgrounds in sustainability research, with the ability to bring powerful contributions to areas including:

·       Integrated Earth System modeling
·       Global governance and economics for sustainability
·       Sustainable energy, and technological and societal transformations
·       Global equity, human security and human behavior

This initial group of 7 postdoc researchers will be hosted by 5 Earth League member institutions:

·       Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany (1 position)
·       Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University, Sweden (1 position)
·       Centre for Earth System Science, Tsinghua University, China (2 positions)
·       Earth system science centre, INPE, Brazil (2 positions)
·       HZG/Climate Service Centre 2.0, Germany (1 position)

The Earth-Docs will form one international team carrying out their research within the Earth League World-Earth Systems program.

The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) will function as a collaborative global hub for the Earth-Doc team, gathering the group of young scientists 1-2 times per year for joint scientific work sessions.

Each Earth-Doc will have at least 2 senior supervisors from the group of leading Earth League scientists leading the overall scientific program.

Applications should include:

·       Cover letter
·       CV
·       1-2 page vision on your perspective of the scientific challenge within Earth system modeling for global sustainability
·       The names and contact information of two referees
·       Indication of preferred host institution, from those listed above

For those interested in applying to Potsdam Institute for Climate Impacts Research (PIK), please follow this link.

Those interested in the position hosted at Earth system science centre at INPE must be aware that funding must be applied for separately, however this will happen with full support and guidance of INPE. 

Applicants should have a doctorate in a related field, and fluent written and oral skills in English. Attributes should also include strong team building skills, intellectual leadership, and the ability and enthusiasm to travel as well as to work within an international network of scholars.

The Earth-Doc positions will start at different times this year, according to the timeframes of each host institution. Position duration and payments will also vary according to the conditions offered by the different institutions.

We are looking to create a diverse and rich team. Therefore, we encourage applications from all geographical backgrounds, gender affiliations, as well as those with disabilities.

Deadline for submission: 1st May 2015.

Please send submissions by email to: earthdoc@the-earth-league.org

For any queries, please contact the Earth League Secretariat using the same email address.